Image Resize PHP use GD and create seperate file thumb

This is simple ready to use.
Image Resize PHP use GD and create seperate file thumb.
And insert into database with id filename, like: 1.jpg or 2.gif, and so on.
Btw, take a look at the comment, it is clear enaugh to understand.


Newsletter free, very simple, easy, ready to use

News letter script with PHP and simple text flat file txt.
Very simple newletter script free that i choose is this link: Newsletter Script

PHP Unlimited sub categories

The best Unlimited sub categories, I choose this one by Shadi Ali (Jan/15/2006).
The coding is simple, easy to understand and ready to use.

This script use: PHP and MySQL database.

Cron job working via cpanel

How to run the php file from cron job via cpanel?
Here it is:
1. login to your cpanel
2. click cron icon
3. click standar
4. enter your email address for reporting if the cron is failed
5. choose the time what you want
6. enter the command, it depends on your server hosting.

the command should be like this:

curl -s -o /dev/null

if curl is disable form your hosting service, you can use another way, with this:

lynx -dump http:// > /dev /null

if curl and lynx is disable form your hosting service, you can use another way, with this:

/usr/bin/wget -O - /home/your_username/public_html/script.php


GET > /dev /null

if curl, lynx and wget is disable form your hosting service, you can use another way, with this:

in the your_script.php file put this at the top the first line before anything:


and use this cron command

php -f /home/your_username/public_html/your_script.php

file your_script.php should chmod 755
and the /home/your_username/ is your path on server.

if you have still problem, like "
No input file specified. ", please try this:


7. save it

if you have error, pls let me know, welcome to leave comment here..

My Editor Wysiwyg ?

I choose for WYSIWYG Editor for web, the best and free is:

Here is some description from the web:

Xinha (pronounced like Xena, the Warrior Princess) is a powerful WYSIWYG HTML editor component that works in Mozilla based browsers as well as in MS Internet Explorer. Its configurabilty and extensibility make it easy to build just the right editor for multiple purposes, from a restricted mini-editor for one database field to a full-fledged website editor. Its liberal licence makes it an ideal candidate for integration into any kind of project.

Xinha is Open Source, and we take this seriously. There is no company that owns the source but a community of professionals who just want Xinha to be the best tool for their work.